Well today we had our weekly Saturday meeting, and this weeks meeting was at downtown Clovis. We all met up in a parking lot to work on obiedience. Medford did ok he was not his normal self today, which i admit got pretty frusterating since I know he is a very good dog. For some reason when we did down and were told to stand over him as soon as I would go to walk over him he would freak out and stand up and back away from me. Normally he just lays there with me over him with no issue. So I took him aside and worked with him on it giving him food reward when he did good about me being over him. After a while he was lot better about it. After doing obedience we all walked around to expose the dogs to traffic. Medford did good he was little pully but not to bad. After walking around we stopped at a ice cream store to eat I wasnt to hungry so I sat there and chatted with everyone. Medford was very wiggly and did not want to lay down for the longest time, however by the end he settled down. Looks like i'm going to have to work even more with him. Hopefully, it was just an off day. Fingers crossed, because besides his wiggle issue he doesnt really have any other issues, and if he gets over this phase he should have a good chance of graduating.
I am hopefully going to meet up with my leader on Monday afternoon to take our dogs to a park to see the ducks. Medford has seen many animals, but I don't think he has seen ducks before. Also next friday I might be going with another raiser and her puppy in training to the snow. So we have some exciting things ahead of us.
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