Saturday, January 21, 2012


So now that ive had time to process the fact that medford is two and all the A litter is medford ive started to figure out how i feel about all this. To start i cant believe medford is 2 now i feel like yestersay i was picking up this furball to take home now that furball is a dad. I was sad that medford wasnt with me to celebrate his 2nd birthday however the more i thought about it the more i realized that i could be sad about not having him or i could be happy that hes with a family who loves him a lot and enjoys spoiling him as much as i did. I decided i needed to be happy for him cause his feelings were always the most important thing to me. Not only was yesterday meds birthday but i found out that the entire A litter was medfords. Im over the moon that medford was the dad. I had a feeling andrew was medfords but i didnt expect all the pups to be medfords. I am looking forward to raising andrew who i can say for sure is a grandpup. It will be fun to see in what ways medford and andrew are alike but i will have to remind myself not to compare andrew and medford to much since they are two different dogs. Im sure ill get ftuserated with andrew at times and be like medford never did that but im sure as time goes on ill enjoy seeing the differences as well as simularities.

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