Friday, August 23, 2013

First Day of School

Yesterday was the first day of school for Pinnacle and I. It started out with me getting up at 5:30am to get ready and take care of Agent and Pinnacle. Once ready I left Agent home loose and took Pinnacle to school. My first class was at 8am and is on the 3rd floor so we decided to take the elevator up instead of the stairs. Once there we choose a seat in the front row to sit in. Pinnacle was a little wiggly as to be expected. It was his first time in a classroom and he is use to stretching out so the fact we had someone behind us which prevented him from stretching out was weird for him. We got done early with the class  and I had 2.5 hour break before my next class, so I went home to eat lunch and let Pinnacle and Agent play some. About 11:40 it was time to get back to school. Parking was really bad so I had to park far and walk really fast not to be late. At 12:30 class started. My teacher saw Pinnacle and commented on how cute and well behaved he was. He slept through that entire class like a good boy. Once done with that class I had 1.5 hours till my next class so I took Pinnacle out to potty. Once I knew he was empty we walked to the taco bell on campus for me to grab a bite to eat. Pinnacle did great staying in a down while I ate at one of the high tables. Once I ate it was time to go to my final class. This time I decided to sit at a seat on the side of the room so that Pinnacle could have more room. My teacher saw him and decided that he would be the new class mascot. He slept through that class too. After we were done with that class we headed to my car and went home. Agent, Pinnacle, and I all just crashed till dinner time. Pinnacle was a really good boy at school it will be fun to watch him grow while at school.
Pinnacle with one of his toys before class


  1. What a good boy, and sooo cute! Although I am partial to red/dark Goldens ;) Sounds like he had a great first day!

  2. lol he had a great first day and yes he is a cutie. It has taken a while but his coloring is growing on me. Ive always loved the white or medium color best but its been different with a red pup so im learning to like it.

  3. Pinnacle is so stinkin adorable! It sound's like he's gonna do awesome at college!

  4. Hi Ashley! I was wondering about taking your pup to college, it's my first year that I'll be doing classes not online and I have Eden and want to take her to classes with me but I was curious what did you do when you sign up for classes and want to take the pup? Do you have to ask the school or the teachers for your classes or both? Thanks!


  5. When I sign up for classes I try to keep my puppy's schedule in mind I like to have at least an hour between classes if possible so that the dog can go stretch and go potty. If I think a class will be to long but need to take it then I leave the dog home. I also don't take the dogs to class on days I have a test in class A)so I can focus B) so the other students can focus as well. For me since Fresno State is so big and so many people are in charge of different things I found it easiest to just to walk in with the dog on the first day of school and usually then talk to the teachers about it if they have any questions. However if the school is small and its easy to know who is in charge I would then talk to them. I know of a raiser who had trouble at first but once they explained everything to the college and showed all the pups paperwork and proof o insurance then they were allowed to bring the dog to school
