Wow its been about 2 months since I last posted. I have been busy with graduation, saying goodbye to Pinnacle, and moving so thats why I haven't posted. I apologize this is going to be a long post.
To start in April we had our Spring Break. We started our Spring Break with a trip to San Francisco. The morning of our trip we were up early and another puppy raiser came over to my place to ride up with me. Agent had driven down to Bakersfield the day before with my sister. Anyways once the other raiser and her puppy got to my place we loaded up into my car and got on the road. We drove all the way to Pleasanton, Ca. where we parked at the BART station and met up with the other raisers in our group. We also had two other raisers from a different groups join us. Once we were all there we went and got onto BART and took it into San Francisco. Once we were in San Francisco we took all the dogs potty. Pinnacle was a pro at going potty when I told him to even with tons of distractions around. After all the puppies were empty we walked over to a hotel so us people could use the restroom. Once humans were empty we went over to the trolly to take it up a hill to a park so we could eat lunch. Pinnacle enjoyed the trolly ride though he couldn't understand why he had to sit and not lay down (the trolly is small so we had the dogs sit to avoid being stepped on). Once at the park we got to enjoy our packed lunches. We had the added bonus of pigeons walking around so we all got to work our dogs on ignoring the pigeons. After lunch we did some obedience with the pups. Pinnacle was a good boy and did all his commands which is no shock since he knows all of his commands. Then it was free time. Pinnacle and I joined our leader, her guide dog puppy, another raiser, and her guide dog puppy in walking over to see a breeder keeper for Guide Dogs who works in the area. The 3 pups got to practice riding in a very small elevator when we went to meet the breeder keeper. After our visit we all headed back to our designated meeting area and took some pictures of the dogs. Then it was time to get back on BART and start the journey home.
Pinnacle sitting with a smile on some steps |
Pinnacle sitting and smelling some flowers |
Pinnacle sitting next to a red heart with a painting of the golden gate bridge on it |
The morning after our San Francisco trip Pinnacle and I loaded up into my car and drove to Bakersfield to enjoy the rest of my Spring Break. We didn't do much since my sister ended up being really sick. We did however go to Johns Incredible Pizza. Its a really fun place with great food. We met up with one of my good friends and her guide dog puppy. The dogs did great and were very well behaved while we ate and played some of the games. After we enjoyed Johns Incredible Pizza we went to my house to pick up Agent so that we could go visit Malcolm and his family. It was a fun puppy playdate. there were 5 dogs there. All the dogs but Pinnacle got into the pool and enjoyed swimming. Agent's favorite thing to do was to take a tennis ball drop it on the side of the pool so that it would fall in and he would jump in after it. Malcolm enjoyed playing in the pool as well as playing tug with Pinnacle and my friend's puppy in training. It was great to see Malcolm again and enjoy some time with him. One of the last things we did during Spring Break was on Easter we went to the Stockdale Country club to eat. Pinnacle is very well known there and they have enjoyed watching him grow this past year. He was very well behaved and just slept while we ate. He also enjoyed watching the kids easter egg hunt once we were done eating. After that it was time to head back to Fresno.
Pinnacle and Malcolm playing tug |
Malcolm jumping into the pool |
Agent jumping into the pool |
Agent, Pinnacle, and Malcolm all sitting together after a fun time playing |
Fast forward to May. On May 16th Pinnacle and I graduated from Fresno State. We received permission from the school to have him walk with me. Everyone thought he looked so cute at graduation with his bow tie on. We received many compliments on how well behaved he was. He just slept through the whole thing except for when it was our turn to go on stage. After my graduation I took Pinnacle out to potty and then went back in to watch my sister's boyfriend graduate. We only stayed to watch him go on stage then Pinnacle, one of my friends, and I left and went back to my place for a little bit. Around 3:30pm I crated Pinnacle so that my friend and I could go to my graduation party.
Pinnacle and I walking across the stage |
Pinnacle and I giving each other a high five (note we do not teach tricks to puppies in training. I just placed his paw on my hand( |
Pinnacle and I together after graduation |
On May 23 Pinnacle's and I story came to an end. My mom and I moved me into my new apartment in Rohnert Park the day before so we weren't very far from the Guide Dog campus. On May 23 my mom and I got up ate breakfast, showered, and spent some last minute time with Pinnacle. About 11am we drove over to the campus to drop off Pinnacle. It was very hard to say goodbye to him and walk away with and empty leash. When we arrived at the campus we parked and got out to take some last pictures of Pinnacle and I. Then we walked to the kennels to check him in and then we were allowed to walk him into his kennel and spend some time saying goodbye. Pinnacle settled into his kennel pretty quick which was good. Pinnacle has been career changed and will be placed by Guide Dogs. He could possibly go to another program to be evaluated as a different type of service dog such as search and rescue, a hearing dog, or diabetic alert dog. He could also be adopted out as a pet. Once he has been placed they will let me know. Pinnacle has already been gone for a few days and it seems so quiet without him.
Pinnacle and I at the Guide Dog campus |
Pinnacle and I in front of white roses at the Guide Dog campus |
Pinnacle in a down by some yellow flowers |
Pinnacle smiling in front of some yellow flowers
Pinnacle giving me one last kiss |
As of right now I will not be raising any GDB puppies. Agent is staying with my parents for at least a month while I adjust to my new place and start Bergin University's summer program. I will receive a dog to train from Bergin University on June 12 and the dog will stay with me during the 6 week summer program.
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