So it has been almost a week since I turned Malcolm in for Formal Training. To start off we did some lasts with him during the week. He said his goodbyes to my teachers and they all said they were going to miss their "favorite student". I also took Malcolm to see his last movie G.I. Joe and of course he did perfect. On the Thursday before I turned him in for training I took him to dinner with my sister and her boyfriend. We went to Cheesecake Factory since it was his first outing with me so it was only right that I took him there one last time.On Friday night my mom drove up to Fresno to watch Malcolm while I went to the Clovis Rodeo/Dustin Lynch concert (I hd bought the tickets for me and my friend before I knew Malcolm was on the recall for that weekend). My mom said he did great. I had dropped Agent off to be boarded so that I could focus Friday and Saturday on Malcolm. When I got home I let him get in my bed since it was his last night with me. He didn't last long as he jumped right off as if to say no I know the rules mommy no getting on furniture.
Saturday morning my mom and I woke up got dressed and got things loaded into the car to make the drive up to San Rafael. Before we left we went through the Mcdonald's drive-thru to get breakfast. Then we hit the road. That was one of the hardest drives to make. I wanted to cry my eyes out but tried to keep myself together so that I wouldn't stress Malcolm out. After 3 hours in the car we made it to San Rafael. It was about lunch time so we went to the mall across the street from Guide Dogs and ate lunch there. After eating we got back in the car and drove across the street. Once at Guide Dogs we took some pictures of Malcolm and I.
Malcolm and I on the Guide Dog campus. I was giving him kisses |
Malcolm got a little distracted by the construction going on (new dorms are being built) |
I hate this part |
Malcolm and I on recall day |
After pictures it was time to walk over to the kennels and check Malcolm in. That was a difficult walk to make. After handing in his paperwork we had the option to take him to his kennel which we chose to do. We closed the door and sat there with him giving him kisses and hugs. I told him I was proud of him and to do good in training. He even managed to take the bone in his kennel and drop it on my leg one last time for good memories. After that we got up and went to the outside part of his kennel to see him one last time. Unfortunately he saw us and started to bark and throw a fit which broke my heart so we walked away quickly. I'm told he has since settled in nicely which makes me happy. We then went back to the kennel office to pick up my new puppy (see previous post for details on my new puppy Pinnacle).
giving Malcolm a hug goodbye in his kennel |
saying goodbye |
I didn't want to leave |
I love this boy |
Every Thursday is phase report day where we get to see which phase of training our dog is in. Malcolm is in phase 0 this week. In this phase he will have his medical exams and is enjoying some fun time right now. After he passes his physicals he will be assigned a trainer. I can't wait to watch him go through the phases.
It must have been very hard to say goodbye to your sweet boy, but whatever he ends up doing he will be awesome! What an amazing dog- he will bless someone's life.